Saturday, May 23, 2009

Dean Jones, what a life!

Dean Jones was born on January 25th 1931 in Alabama. He is most widely known for his role in many Disney movies including the Volkswagen Beetle called Herbie.

But please don't say, "Oh that guy" just yet. His Christian testimony is worth a much closer look.

Dean became a Christian in 1973. This was near the time of his father’s death, he also endured a divorce from his first wife Mae Entwisle, and remarried in 1973 to actress Lory Patrick Jones. He has appeared in several Christian films. These are among his greatest works in my opinion. My favorite is his stage performance where he toured as a one man show known as St. John in Exile. In this production, Jones portrayed St. John, the last surviving Apostle of Jesus Christ, reminiscing about his life while imprisoned on the Greek island of Patmos. A performance was filmed in 1996. In 1998 Jones founded the Christian Rescue Committee (CRC), an organization that helps provide a "way of escape to Jews, Christians, and others persecuted for their faith." He is semi-retired and currently lives in California.

I would not have known about his greatest work, St. John in exile had I not stumbled across it in the Family Christian books store. I bought a copy for $6.98, and was blown away at what he does with the character. This is a great demonstration of the talent of Dean Jones as he portrays the follower of Jesus, known also as John the Beloved disciple.

The jacket on the DVD puts it this way:
Imprisoned, John the last living disciple of Jesus' twelve, remains full of humor, strong in spirit and obstinately spry.

Dean Jones demonstrates an intriguing perspective on a follower of Christ who is credited as the writer of five of the New Testament books. This performance is entertaining, intriguing and true to the biblical accounts surrounding the life of John.

If you can find it, you will have a great treasure for the family library. If you are into acting you can really learn from watching this master! This is a life changing presentation and what I would consider Dean Jones' best theatrical work! I hope you find it buy it, watch it and be amazed! I know I was.

Now I am looking for my copy of Acts , where he performs as Dr. Luke telling the book of Acts. I didn’t know that was him! I am glad I learned about this Alabama born, Christian reborn man who uses his gift to draw us into the life of Christ.

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