Monday, August 23, 2010

How You Can Enjoy Your Bible the Most!

We are exhorted to:

1. "Read it." Neh. 8:8. And may I suggest that it be read slowly, carefully, prayerfully, in large portions, repeatedly, reverently and with a willing spirit to follow its precepts.

2. "Believe it." Rom. 10:8. Because it is the Word of faith. It has been given to increase our faith in God and His working in the Universe.

3. "Receive it." Jas. 1:21. Here it is the engrafted word that is to be received as the soil received the seed, or the tree receives the graft. Taking the Word of God in our heart life, allowing it to grow and bear its own fruit in motives and actions.

4. "Taste it." Heb. 6:5. For it is the good Word of God. Some seem to be afraid of the Bible for fear it will require them to do something they do not wish to do. Be not afraid; it is good and right in all its requirements.

5. "Eat it." Jer. 15:16. This process suggests that we not merely taste but actually live by it, as Jesus said, "Ye shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Matt. 4:4.

6. "Hold it fast." Tit. 1:9. It is a faithful word. All its promises are true; all its history is true; and its statements are truth. Therefore we are to rest our faith upon it.

7. "Hold it forth." Phil. 2:16. Because it is the Word of Life. All who come under its benificent rays feel its life giving power.

8. "Preach it." 2 Tim. 4:2. Here it is called simply the Word. It suggests that we are not to preach any one part of it or any one phase of it, but preach it in its entirety and fulness.

9. "Search it." John 5:29 R. V. This suggests work and patience. The Greek word carries the idea of "ransack" as the housewife goes through the home at housecleaning time; or "to track" as the hunter laboriously follows the game through the brush, so we are to search for truth and run down the lines of God's revelations to man.

10. "Study it." 2 Tim. 2:15. Here is a word that means close application to the Word of God, as the builder minutely studies the plans of the architect before erecting the structure.

11. "Meditate on it." Ps. 1:2. This word has much the same meaning as "eat" for it means literally "to chew the cud." Turning the Word of God over and over in the mind till the sweetness of its truths feed our souls.

12. "Compare it." 2 Cor. 2:13. This is not so much what we do with the Scriptures as what the Holy Spirit does with them in our hearts. This is a divine commentary always at hand. Or as John puts it in his first epistle 2:27 R. V. "The annointing which ye received of Him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you, but as His annointing teacheth you concerning all things, and is true, and is no lie, and even so as it taught you, ye abide in Him."

13. "Rightly divide it." 2 Tim. 2:15. This is not an arbitrary division of subjects but the following of a line of truth from the first place mentioned to the last place mentioned; noticing it in all its relation to other truths and as the word literally means "the cutting of a straight line" of truth in the Bible.

14. "Delight in it." Ps. 119:92. Seven times in this Psalm the Psalmist speaks of delighting in God's word. This should always be the heart ambition and attitude.

"Study it carefully; think of it prayerfully;

Deep in thy heart let its precepts dwell.

Slight not its history; ponder its mystery,

None can e'er prize it too fondly or well.

Accept the glad tidings, the warning, the chidings,

Found in this volume of heavenly lore,

With faith that's unfailing, and love all prevailing,

Trust in its promise of life evermore."