Thursday, October 16, 2008

He's Not Here, He Is Risen!

While visiting the Holy Land Experience in Orlando, We had the chance to go behind the scenes and see the props used for making the presentations of the Good News of the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ! There is no greater joy then to realize that Jesus is alive forevermore! The tomb was temporary, death is defeated! The grave could not hold the King! He is risen indeed. The dramas were gripping as you witnessed what was happening up close and personal. My eyes welled up as so many images and Bible studies rushed through my head and my heart. To know Jesus and the power of His resurrection as a born again believer is tremendous. There is no greater experience in this life.
Matthew 28:5-7

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Having fun celebrating the events surrounding the life of Jesus!
Hearing about the wine/olive press and the garden by the tomb carved from the rock and seeing the stone that sealed the tomb rolled away, brought a smile to my face and a thrill to my heart. I enjoyed the visual helps and these helped me to better understand the significance of the surroundings. I was refreshed and found out more information regarding the original sites.

Here is an interesting link: