Friday, December 22, 2006

Keepers of the peace vs. Peace makers

At this time of year, resources are strained and crime is on the increase. But thanks be to God for the men and women in law enforcement who are on the streets to help us hopefully enjoy this special season. May the Prince of Peace return soon and put the peace keepers out of business!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Gospel According to John Movie

This movie came out in 2003. It is an excellent word for word presentation of the good news book. It is a must have for any Christian Library. I found them on the $5 rack at the Family Christian Bookstore. I hope everyone will see this and get a copy.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Great Materials

I am studying some great material from Moody Bible. The software works in the Libronix/Logos program. The material is first rate and covers some great topics. You can check out what Moody Bible has to offer by visiting:

and Logos by visiting:

Monday, December 18, 2006

Write an Essay on Bible Study? OK

Bible Study: Passing It On!
Of all the things we can hope to pass on to our children the one thing that I am compelled to leave for the next generation is the desire to participate in life changing Bible study. Teaching children to have an effective Bible study time is wonderfully rewarding. There are so many benefits found in giving a child the Word of God as a firm foundation. I have witnessed in awe as God has opened the hearts of children to receive his marvelous love. I thank God that he gives me the privilege of teaching children about the Savior of the world and His wonderful kingdom. I am overjoyed in the ways that God has demonstrated his faithfulness to so many children that are receptive with tender hearts to the Holy Spirit and the things of God. There are hundreds of ongoing success stories that God has allowed me to be a part of. I have at different times heard children share from their hearts how Jesus has become their very best friend in life! It is rewarding to see a child learn that Jesus is a friend that sticks closer than a brother and promises to never leave us. It is also a very humbling experience to see what God is doing in their young lives as they learn to apply the truths they learn in daily Bible study. To God is the glory, for allowing me the opportunity to help future generations to celebrate the love for His Son and encourage children to participate in Bible study methods that encourage them to continue in daily Bible study on their own.
One of the greatest motivators for me in teaching children the importance of a daily Bible study is what I as the teacher learns in the process! Spending time meditating on the Word and asking God to make Bible study meaningful to children has fed my hungry soul like manna from heaven. Their enthusiasm has made me drill down deeper in my own personal Bible study times so that instead of being a dry, empty and dusty well, I can be an instrument that points them to the fountain of living water that can satisfy any thirsty soul. In teaching children, I have learned that the real life source is found only in the Word of God. I would not dare go before anyone, especially children to talk about the things of God without first asking God to fill me with the power of the Holy Spirit. Children can quickly see if you are genuine and know what your faith level is pretty quick. I know that I can not effectively teach or share until I have presented myself before the Father as a living sacrifice to be His servant. This only comes from spending time in studying the Word and allowing Him to shape my heart. This is my driving force in working with children. In return they provide me with the very best example of what child-like faith really is. As I witness the glow on their faces as they see the truths of the scriptures unfolded before their eyes for the very first time is amazing. Their enthusiasm compels me to want to go deeper and try new ways to have an effective ministry.
At various times I have witnessed where God uses a child to lead an adult and even the entire family to Christ! It’s so satisfying to know that the truths entrusted to them will be used throughout their entire lives. It’s even more exciting to know that teaching children to participate in daily Bible study is a rewarding way to lay up treasures in heaven. There is great joy in watching others learning to live the victorious Christian life! Helping children learn to participate in Bible study provides bountiful rewards. If you are looking for a place to invest your energy and efforts in life to what is truly eternal, look to reaching children with the power of God’s Holy Word. It is an important calling that you have the opportunity of hearing. It’s my prayer that those who read are also listening. Daily Bible study is something we must pass on. We can’t afford to lose, not one of the lest of these, God’s precious children. God fills to overflowing those who are yielded to His Spirit and daily spend time studying the Word of God.
Thanks for this opportunity to share,

A Short Season

Even as Christmas seems to start earlier each year it comes and goes way to fast! I hope that everyone reading this enjoys the real reason for the season. May God Bless You