Saturday, March 14, 2009

What do I find that is so appealing about Jesus?

It's not just a fascination with events recorded in a book from long ago. Jesus is alive today and is interested in me and every detail of my life! He's there when nobody else can be. He knows me completely like no one can and yet He still loves me! He helps me with even the most trivial of things. "What socks will I wear today, Jesus?" He knows me on the inside better than any piece of technology than any science could ever develop. He heals me and sets me free from the pain of my sin. He has given Himself totally for me and I long to do the same for Him. He restores me to fellowship with my Creator. He reminds me how to live victoriously! He forgives me and guides me back when I lose my focus from Him. He reveals to me the nature and character of God, my loving Heavenly Father who will judge sin. Because Jesus rescued me, I now know love and His strength in the midst of my weakness. He completes me and makes me whole -- emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. He is my source for joy even when I am in the temporary throws of life's turmoil. Knowing Jesus brings stability and meaning to my life. I am glad that Jesus is my friend and my Hero. When I hurt, He heals, if I stumble he picks me up, brushes me off and puts me back into His service. If Jesus ever left me, I wouldn't move again until He found me. I don't want to breath the air where Jesus is not. Jesus makes life so worth living and amazingly simple, I am ready to follow Him right out of this world when He chooses. As long as I am here I will follow Him and honor Him with the life He gives me. God teaches me that life is very simple --I want to love God with all my heart, and people as myself. I hope you know Him too. I hope we can learn more about Him from each other.

Today, I am reminded:

For those in need of a mother, He tenderly cares for us. (Luke 1:76-79; 1 Thessalonians 2:7)

For those in need of a father, He confidently and gently leads us. (Psalm 23:1-2, 3-4, 5-6)

For those in need of relationships, He loves us. (1 John 4:10)

For those in need of compassion, He weeps for us. (Philippians 2:1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-11)

For those in need of a Savior, He died for us all. (Luke 1:46-48, 49-50; Titus 3:4-5, 6-7)

Jesus is definitely worth knowing! If you would like to know Him, I would be glad to introduce you to Him. If I you see me and I seem to be wandering away from Him for even a moment please point me back in His direction. Without Jesus I would be lost and destined for hell.

Thank you King Jesus for saving me!