Friday, March 12, 2010

Examples of When we sing Scripture!

Psalm 63: 3,4.........."Thy lovingkindness"

Matthew 6:33..........."Seek ye first the kingdom of God"

Revelation 4:11........"Thou art worthy"

Psalm 3:3,4............."The glory and the lifter of my head"

Psalm 27:1................The Lord is my light and my salvation"

Psalm 34:1................"I will bless the Lord at all times"

Psalm 103:1.............."Bless the Lord O my soul"

Psalm 104:33.........."I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live"

Psalm 42:1................"As a deer panteth for the water"

Psalm 92:1............."It's a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord"

1 Corinthians 3:16..............."Know ye not, know ye not ye are the temple?"

Galatians 2:20................."It is no longer I that liveth, but Christ that liveth in me"

Song of Solomon 2:16....."I am my beloved's and He is mine"

Proverbs 17:22.............."A merry heart doeth good like a medicine"

Nehemiah 9:5............."Stand up and bless the Lord your God"

Psalm 107:2.........."Let the redeemed of the Lord say so"

Psalm 91:1,2........."He who dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High"

Romans 8:1................"There is therefore now no condemnation"

1 John 4:4.................."Greater is He that is in me"

Phil 2:9................."Jesus, name above all names"

Psalm 95:6............"I will come and bow down"

Psalm 100:4........."I will enter His gates with thanksgiving"

Isaiah 60:1............"Arise, shine for the Light has come"

Jeremiah 32:17.........."Ah Lord God, Thou hast made the heaven"

Isaiah 55:12.........."Trees of the field"

Isaiah 9:6............."What a mighty God we serve"

Psalm 18:46........."O magnify the Lord"

Psalm 34:3.........."Magnify the Lord and sing"

Psalm 68:1.........."So rise and shine, and give God the glory"