Thursday, January 01, 2009

Becoming a more Effective minister in 2009

For me the primary function of a blog is to communicate with others of what is going on in your life. In 2008, I dabbled in social networking using the internet. Typically, the few folks who visit a blog or site by accident may rarely decide that they would like to get to know you, but most often prefer to pass by on the other side, kind of like "I don't want to get involved or be accountable, especially if you appear to be beaten or exposed." I am thinking of the story of the Good Samaritan. (Luke 10:30)
The few blogs that I have taken the time to read are when people seem to open up and reveal their victorious experiences and or more often it seems their struggles in their Christian walk.
However, I too find myself refraining from posting comments but choosing to safely pass by on the other side and simply whisper a prayer to God on their behalf perhaps sometimes thinking, look how "spiritual" I am. Honestly, it's such a safe approach, no long term commitment, get in get out no one gets hurt. (Luke 10:31-32)

I recognize which one I am most like in the story. Can you guess? Is it the robber, the victim, the priest or the Levite? I can tell you that it has not been the hero of the story as much as I would like it to be. I am convinced that there is more to do.
In the story, Jesus wants us to be like the Good Samaritan. The mission is to get actively involved in the lives of our neighbors in positive ways! (Luke 10:33) In 2009 it's time for me to roll up my sleeves and get into the trenches and be more like Jesus by getting into action to help the hurting and rescue the perishing who are all around me. (Matthew 18:14)
Today, the Good Samaritan still carries a prepared first-aid kit. (Luke 10:34; Luke 10:35) God has graciously given me a willing spirit with a dedicated heart to actively apply the Word of God to every situation being constantly reminded that the souls of people (my neighbors) are at stake. The next few posts will be ways that I am working to have a ready to use first-aid kit. Yes, praying is a good start (1 Thessalonians 5:17) but putting faith into action is when lives are miraculously changed and a whole lot more exciting! (James 1:22-23) Be careful if you choose to join me. Sometimes it can get a little messy in the neighborhood. (1 Thessalonians 5:21) Walking out the door whistling a familiar song: It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, ...won't you be my neighbor?

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