Saturday, December 06, 2008

What the Bible Does

What does it not do?" One has tersely said of the Bible in a general way: "Every hour I read you, it kills a sin, or lets a virtue in to fight against it."
Many are the things the Bible does; the following will illustrate a few of the things:
Acquaints us with the theme of the Gospel -- I Corinthians 15:3,4.
Blesses us as we obey its precepts -- Psalms 119:2.
Consecrates us as we follow its injunctions -- Numbers 6:1-7.
Defeats the enemy as we use it against him -- Matt. 4:4,7,10.
Edifies the life as we heed it -- Acts 20:32.
Fires the heart to a faithful testimony -- Jeremiah 1:1; 23:29.
Guides those who follow its light -- Psalms 119:105.
Heals the spirit as it is applied -- Psalms 107:20.
It forms the mind as to its secrets -- I Corinthians 2:9; Isaiah 64:4.
Judges the conduct and maketh wise -- Psalms 19:9-11.
Keeps us abiding in Christ's love -- John 15:10.
Leads to the true and beautiful -- Proverbs 6:20-24.
Moulds us like to itself -- Romans 6:17.
Nourishes the spiritual life -- I Peter 1:2.
Orders the steps of our life -- Psalm 119:133.
Purifies the mind -- II Corinthians 7:1.
Quietens the heart -- Isaiah 30:15.
Rewards those who keep it -- Psalms 19:11.
Sanctifies those who live in it -- John 17:17.
Teaches those who are led by it -- Psalms 25:4,5.
Unites us to the Lord -- Psalms 86:11; John 17:8.
Verifies the experience -- II Peter 1:19,20.
Warns the observant -- Psalms 19:11.
'Xamines the heart -- Psalms 26:1-3.
Yokes us with Christ -- John 17:8.
Zeals the soul -- Psalms 69:9; John 2:17.

The Bible, this book will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from this book.

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